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Tampa Film Review November 9th, 2007
(released 11/7/2007)
By greenroomwire

The next Tampa Film Review, presented by 1 Day Films, will be held on Friday, November 9 at 8 p.m. at the International Bazaar, located at 1600 E. Eighth Ave. in the Centro Ybor Complex. Tampa Film Review is a monthly showcase of local independent films and is held every second Friday of the month and is free.

For more information, go to Below are the films being showcased.

Bob Saves the World...Maybe produced by Eric Dewolf: Bob is a slacker who gets chosen out of need to find and protect an artifact that could destroy the world if put in the wrong hands. He goes on this wacky adventure encountering writers who seem to be writing his next paths, a monk who Bob must fight to gain control of the artifact, and then a bad guy who Bob encounters and must defeat in such games as Rock, Paper, Scissors, Thumb Wrestling, and eventually even Dance Dance Revolution. After the bad guy is defeated Bob can breathe freely as he admits defeat and becomes some what of a good guy himself.

The Apple Tree directed by Jesse Newman: When Ruben's writing is panned and ignored by his ex-girlfriend and best friend, he meets a peculiar young woman who leads him to an apple tree of inspiration. As his newest story becomes more and more realistic, it begins to haunt and control him. It becomes up to his ex-girlfriend and best friend to save him, but in order to change Ruben's story, they must first become a part of it.


A film by Joel Wynkoop

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