Sarasota Film Society Filmmaker's Forum - Call
By greenroomwire
The Sarasota Film Society has announced the schedule and a call for entries for the 2007-2008 Filmmaker's Forum. Held at the Burns Court Cinemas located at 506 Burns Lane in Sarasota, the Filmmaker's Forum provides local and national filmmakers an opportunity to submit their films for exhibition with free screen time and feedback from audiences and other filmmakers. The Filmmaker's Forum will take place at 8:30 p.m. on October 22, November 19, December 17, January 14 and February 18. Films must be submitted two weeks prior to each screening date and must be less than 45 minutes. There is no application fee, but to be eligible, films must have been completed after January 1, 2007. Completed films as well as works-in-progress may be submitted for exhibition.
The Filmmaker's Forum also offers an opportunity to local students to present their films. On March 15 at 10:00 a.m., students from the Ringling School of Art & Design will showcase their films, and on April 5 at 10:00 a.m., local middle and high school students will have an opportunity to show their work on screen at Burns Court Cinemas. The Filmmaker's Forum will wrap up on April 19 with the Suncoast Film Festival & Award Ceremony. Details for this event will be announced in early spring.
Burns Court Cinemas' auditoriums are equipped to meet the projection needs of professionals and amateurs alike, with support for 16 and 35 millimeter film and most digital formats as well, including Beta, Digi Beta, VHS, DVD, and Mini DVD.
Entry forms, submission criteria and additional information are available on the Sarasota Film Society's website at
For questions or additional information about the Filmmaker's Forum, please contact Jerry Kovar, Outreach Coordinator at 941-364-8662, x 2010 or email
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