The Weekend Film Crew is hosting a brand-new Hands-on Filmmaker Workshop series. The first workshops are scheduled for the last day of the Gasparilla Film Festival, Sunday, March 4th, 2007, in Ybor City, FL.
The "Lighting for Horror Films" workshop features Erik Curtis, a Director of Photography who worked on "Miami Vice" & "Transporter 2" as well as the soon to be released horror film, "Hallows Point". The "Lighting for Film & Television" hands-on workshop" features Rob Allen a veteran Director of Photography, who has worked for ESPN, HBO, MTV and more. Rob is also the owner of Red Lizard Films.
The purpose of the workshops is to train filmmakers and crew members on the use of professional equipment, to better prepare them to work on professional film crew jobs, and to help filmmakers learn the technical skills necessary to produce the best images possible.
About Weekend Film Crew:
The Weekend Film Crew was founded to support the filmmaker community by providing events for networking and technical training, and to develop the Filmmaker Workshop series. You can find much more information at