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Collaboration Contest Gala Screening - January 13
(released 1/2/2007)
By greenroomwire

The Entertainment Industry Incubator will be holding its gala reception and screening for its "Collaboration... A Short Film Contest" on January 13, 2007.  Of all the entries from throughout the state, the top 15 finalist short films will be screened that evening.  They are competing for the first place prize of a face-to-face meeting with the President of Lions Gate Production and Development in LA and $75K worth of filmmaking prizes.  The evening's events will begin at 6:00 pm with a cocktail reception at the Byron Carlyle Theater in Miami Beach.  The gala screening will take place immediately following the reception.

By evening's end, the audience and the national entertainment industry judges will know the results as the winners are announced in two different categories:  novice and professional.  "We are delighted to provide exposure for aspiring Florida filmmakers to renowned entertainment industry leaders through the Collaboration... A Short Film Contest," says Susan Schein, the organization's Founder and Director.  "The evening has always been a lot of fun; a chance to dress up and show ourselves off.  Our contestants represent the talent and creativity that continues to contribute to the success of the local entertainment industry."

These finalists, who must live in the state of Florida, have been selected by a panel of four industry experts, through a rigorous scoring process, from a field of many excellent entries.  All the participants, in teams of seven, had 21 days to script, shoot and edit a five-minute piece based around a theme they were given.  This year's theme is "where do we go from here" and the 15 five minute films chosen add up to a really enjoyable show that will be screened that evening.

A lineup of senior film industry VIPs will judge the filmmakers' works for the premier screening.  The screenings will be preceded by cocktails and hors d'oevres.  On that same day, at 10:00 am, these senior execs will comprise a workshop panel on Film Acquisition, Distribution and Marketing.

"The contest originated nine years ago as a way in which to discover emerging film talent and to showcase their work to locals and visitors alike," states Ms. Schein in a prepared statement.  "We can now see the evolution of the careers of several people who began with us years ago.  We do know that this indigenous film industry helps to drive the economic engine of our community."

Tickets for the Jan. 13th, 10AM seminar are $25 in advance ($35 at the door) and premiere screening tickets are available for $25 in advance (and $35 at the door).  For reservations call the Entertainment Industry Incubator at (305) 672-9297.

The Byron Carlyle Theater is located at 501 71st Street in Miami Beach.

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