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Kodak Seminars at Ft Lauderdale Intl Film Fest
(released 10/30/2004)

The Eastman Kodak Seminar Series at the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival will begin November 5 with four seminars scheduled. The seminars are co-produced by the DeSantis Center for Motion Picture Industry Studies at Florida Atlantic University. All seminars are free and open to the public and will be held at Cinema Paradiso, located at 503 SE 6th Street in Fort Lauderdale. For more information, call 954-760-9898, ext. 106. The seminars scheduled are:

Launching Your Writing And Directing Career In Hollywood with Steven Hein - Friday, November 5th, 10:00 am

Getting your foot in the filmmaking door is challenging - especially on an opposite coast. Not only do you have to be good but you have to have a sense of what is commercial and you have to have a certain degree of luck. We will look at case studies that have worked in getting that first writing or directing job in Hollywood. We will explore topics on the presentation of your project and yourself, finding representation and what projects you should be focusing your time on. Additionally, we will explore getting a film made outside the studio system. Steven Hein is a partner in Quality Filmed Entertainment (QFE), a management and production company that produces feature films, television, and new media. The company has built its reputation by launching the careers of filmmakers and creating media properties through producing short films. Steven most recently executive produced Boogie Man with Sam Raimi (Evil Dead, Spider Man) which is due in theaters in February of 2005 and is currently executive-producing, with Imagine Television, (24, Arrested Development) a television pilot for Fox based on the short film he produced entitled Save Virgil.

Preparing For Careers In Feature Film Production/ Digital Effects with Todd Shifflett - Friday, November 5th, 1:00 pm

Join Todd Shifflett of Rhythm & Hues Studios for an informative seminar on how students should prepare for careers in feature film production. Todd Shifflett is a 1992 graduate of New York University with a major in film and television and a minor in computer science. He joined Rhythm & Hues in Los Angeles in 1993 starting as an FX artist and shortly thereafter taking on responsibilities of digital production. Most recently, he has managed and supervised large-scale productions for feature films and commercials in the capacity of both visual and digital effect supervisor. Among his film credits, Todd served as Digital Effects Supervisor for Scooby Doo, Scooby Doo Two, and The Sixth Day.

So What Did I Learn At Film School? - Tuesday, November 9th, 10:00 am

Florida is home to some of the country's best film schools, and graduates from these schools are making an impact on the industry from artistic, creative, and technical standpoints. This seminar features students and faculty from some of these schools to talk with individuals about each respective program and what students may expect to learn and experience during their film education. (Coffee and bagels served prior to the seminar)

Career Day In The Entertainment Industry - Wednesday, November 10th, 10:00 am thru 3:00 pm (with a one-hour break for lunch at noon)

Working professionals from the entertainment industry will gather at this seminar to discuss their jobs and what they do, how they learned their craft, and helpful information for individuals seeking a career within the entertainment industry. Job functions that will be explored include directing, writing, producing, cinematography, lighting/grip etc. We will rotate each speaker in for one hour so if there is a particular job you are interested in, check the Festival website for time of speaker. (Bag lunch provided at 12:00 noon by Kodak)

For more information about the series, visit

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