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Aida's Big Phat Florida Film Festival This Weekend
(released 7/6/2006)
By Douglas Lorah

Cochino Gordo Productions is holding the first ever Aida's Big Phat Florida Film Festival, which gains its uniqueness in that post-production had to be done in the state of Florida.  Some of the films that have been covered either through news coverage or help in casting in the past by the Green Room include: Sanderson County, 6 out of 7, Infideliphant, Wish, and Lobstar.

The Orlando festival starts on Friday, July 7th with the Opening Night Party at One Eyed Jack's with drinks and apps, film clips from festival movies, and music from DJ Maximus 3000 and the Hindu Cowboys.  The party starts at 6pm and runs until 8pm.  Following at 8:30pm, festival continues with Mink Extols, a speaking engagement with Mink Stole at the History Center.

Saturday and Sunday, films will screen during the day from 12-5pm at the Parliament House Footlight Theater and from 5:30-midnight at the History Center.  There is an after-party on Saturday at the Parliament House with Dance Planet X.

On Monday, July 10th from 6pm-8pm, the awards will be given out at the Closing Party which will be held at the Parliament House.  DJ Maximus 3000 will be spinning records and Orlando band Thruster will perform followed by a performance with Fred Schneider of the B-52's.  Also, the trailer for Fred Schneider's film Hogzilla will be presented.

For more information, including directions to the venues, pricing of events and a list of the films, please go to

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