Tampa Film Review Set For June 9th
By greenroomwire
The next Tampa Film Review, presented by 1 Day Films, will be held on Friday, June 9 from 8 – 10 p.m. at International Bazaar, located at 1600 E. Eighth Ave. in the Centro Ybor Complex. Tampa Film Reviews is a monthly showcase of local independent films and is held every second Friday of the month and is free.
June's films include:
Potluck by Dave DeBorde
A Tale of Two Megans by Fred Zara: Confident science major Mark Jarvis has never encountered a problem he couldn't solve through cool-headed analysis. But when he falls head-over-heels in love with two women of equal-but-opposite appeal, the cocky whiz kid finds himself faced with the impossible task of having to choose just one. After fruitlessly grappling with rival ends of his own desire, Mark discovers that, when it comes to matters of the heart, not all quandaries have a logical solution.
Veverly by Gloria Rozier: Her name is 'Veverly', with a 'v', not a 'b' and if you want to get her riled up called her Beverly. She manages an urban record store as well as the patrons who frequent the establishment. Small Shop. Big laughs.
1 Day Films is always looking for film submissions for future events. For more details, contact pete@tooprod.com or paulguzzo@hotmail.com. All genres of short films are accepted – documentaries, comedy, horror, love, art, drama, foreign language, experimental etc. No pornography!
Visit www.thetampafilmreview.com for more.
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