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Academy Award Going To Sarasota Student
(released 5/23/2006)
By greenroomwire

Thirteen students from nine different colleges and universities have been named winners in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' 33rd annual Student Academy Awards competition. They will participate in a week of industry-related activities and social events culminating June 10 with the awards presentation ceremony at the Academy's Samuel Goldwyn Theater.

The winners are (listed alphabetically by film title within category):

"6 a.m.," Carmen Vidal Balanzat, City College of New York
"Perspective," Travis Hatfield and Samuel Day, Ball State University, Indiana
* Only gold and silver medals will be awarded in the Alternative category.

"The Dancing Thief," Meng Vue, Ringling School of Art and Design, Sarasota, Florida
"The Possum," Chris Choy, California Institute of the Arts
"Turtles," Thomas Leavitt, Brigham Young University

"Reporter Zero," Carrie Lozano, University of California, Berkeley
"Three Beauties," Mak Hossain, Purdue University
"The Women’s Kingdom," Xiaoli Zhou, University of California, Berkeley

"Christmas Wish List," Sean Overbeeke, University of North Carolina
"El Viaje" ("One Day Trip"), Cady Abarca-Benavides, Columbia University
"Pop Foul," Moon Molson and Jennifer Handorf, Columbia University

While the U.S. winners know they will each receive an award, the level of that award – gold, silver or bronze – will not be revealed until the June 10 ceremony. Besides trophies, gold medalists receive $5,000, silver medalists are awarded $3,000 and bronze medal recipients are presented with $2,000.

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