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Letter From the State Film Commissioner
(released 3/29/2006)
By greenroomwire

Dear Florida Film & Entertainment Community:

It's been an excited couple of weeks here in Tallahassee! Thank you for everyone who traveled here to visit with our Legislators to support our industry. Your assistance helped House Bill 1321 and Senate Bill 2110 pass favorably through the House Tourism Committee and the Senate Commerce and Consumer Services Committee, respectively. The bills must now pass through the following committees for their second and third readings:

Finance & Tax
State Infrastructure Council

Government Efficiency Appropriations
Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations

Members of each of the committees can be found by visiting the MyFloridaHouse and Florida Senate websites. A .pdf file of the House bill is attached for your convenience, and the Senate bill will be posted on their website soon. Please use H1321 as your reference when referring to proposed changes to the financial incentive

It is still very important for you, as active members of Florida's entertainment industry, to stay involved and begin convincing the honorable members of our Legislature that this funding and these two bills are extremely important for the continued growth and development of our industry. Please take action and contact your local legislators to share with them your opinion on how significant our industry is to the state of Florida. You may find your local legislators information by visiting and

We thank our supporters for continuing to remain active in progressing Florida's Entertainment Industry.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any one of us at the Office of Film & Entertainment.


The Staff of the Governor's Office of Film & Entertainment:

Paul Sirmons*Susan Simms*Niki Welge*Natalie Recio*Raquel Cisneros

.pdf attachment

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