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O36 2006: Orlando's 36 Hour Video Race
(released 1/27/2006)
By greenroomwire

Video professionals and students who wish to see their work on the big screen are encouraged to sign up for the third annual O36: Orlando's 36 Hour Video Race scheduled for the weekend of February 18–19, 2006. Participating teams will receive one prop, one line of dialogue, one genre—and only 36 hours to write, shoot, and edit an entire video that is three to six minutes long. This year all winning videos will be screened as part of the March 19 O36 Awards ceremony at the Loews Cineplex at Universal Studios CityWalk.

Orlando's 36 Hour Video Race 2005 will be hosted by the Central Florida chapters of Media Communications Association-International and Women in Film and Television Florida. The event will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. on February 18 at the Enzian Theater, 1300 South Orlando Avenue, Maitland, FL 32751.

Last year's event had more than 40 teams with a total of nearly 300 participants. Once again, registered teams will use the City of Orlando as their backdrop as they race against the clock to produce an original video short using their own equipment and the talents of the various team members.

Teams start off with a sprint to their race kits that include instructions, a prop, a line of dialogue, one genre, and other promotional items that will be helpful during the race. Completed videos must be returned to the O36 start location no later than 9:00 p.m. on February 19.

Entry forms and a complete list of rules for the O36 video race, fees, and forms can be obtained from the MCA-I Orlando Web site at Each team must complete and submit their application and entry fee no later than February 12 if they wish to pre-register.

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