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Adrenaline Films Builds New Sound Stage
(released 7/1/2005)
By greenroom wire

Adrenaline Films has just completed construction on a new 3000 sq. ft. production sound stage. This new stage will be used in the production of television shows, music videos, independent films, commercials and corporate communications. According to owner Michael Murray, "this new stage fills a void in the Orlando market for a medium size stage facility with a company that can also provide all the other services that are used in a stage such as cameras, sound and lighting equipment."

Designed with versatility in mind, the new stage is 60' long by 50' wide with a lighting grid installed at 18'. One of the best features is a 35' x 35' corner hard cyc which can be used for a variety of functions including an "endless infinity" white look or it can be painted to accommodate green and blue screen production for special effects. Additional features are a dedicated electrical service as well as a scalable on demand silent air conditioning system.

Unique to the new Adrenaline Films stage is a dedicated fiber optic connection to the nationwide Vyvx video network. "We can connect live to all of the national broadcast and cable networks as well as satellite earth stations" says Tim Bartlett, General Manager, "this means producers do not have to pay the extra expense of bringing in a satellite truck to do a live production."

"With the addition of this new larger stage, Adrenaline provides producers with more choices for stage production. They can shoot interviews in our 900 sq. ft. insert stage or they can shoot larger productions that require more staging and support in our larger 3000 sq. ft. production stage" says Michael Murray.

Adrenaline Films is a full-service video and audio production company that specializes in high definition production and exotic and remote field production work. Major network clients include, CBS, Fox, ESPN, Discovery Communications, Court TV, CNBC and others. Local production work includes advertising agencies, corporate media departments, and high end promotional projects.

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