ManaSota Films Celebrating 4 Years
By Kimberly Burke
ManaSota Films is celebrating 4 years on November 16, 2016. The 3 hour event will include short film premieres, fan favorites, with more to be announced. ManaSota Films was established to showcase locally produced films in a social setting. Free to attend, the group does collect donations for theater costs. Concessions also support the venue. Parkway Cinema 8 is located at 6300 N. Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota, Florida 34243.
The films mentioned thus far in a release by ManaSota Films include: "Hell's Hitman", "A War of Worlds", "Lefty", "Kiss Tape", "Best Friends", "Ten Fingers, Ten Toes", "The Follicles Don't Lie".
The Wednesday evening 4 year celebration begins at 7pm and runs till 10pm. Questions? Contact
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