Film Florida Organizing Rally in Tally 2015
By Kimberly Burke
Film Florida is leading active members of their organization to the steps of the Capitol and walking the halls in an effort to re-incentivize Florida's Film Industry. This movement, coined Rally in Tally 2015, has a tentative schedule that includes registration, speaker panel, lunch, and walking the halls of the Capitol Building in the afternoon to meet legislative appointments.
The organization is scheduling buses to transport people to Tallahassee from Miami and Orlando on March 10th. A hotel block has been set up in Tallahassee for the overnight trip. Registration, bus, and room will run about 135 dollars per person. You may also provide your own transportation and accommodations and just pay the registration fee. The fee must be paid to participate and includes activities and lunch on Florida Tourism Day, March 11th. Participants also receive a complimentary T-shirt.
To find out more about joining fellow filmmakers in Florida in approaching our legislators for film incentive allotment in the new state budget go here:
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