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Coca-Cola Filmmaker's Award Goes to FSU Student
(released 3/14/2005)
By Douglas Lorah

Matthew Pope, a native of Atlanta, GA and currently a film student at FSU's School of Motion Picture, Television and Recording Arts (also known as The Film School), has been selected as the winner of the 2005 Coca-Cola Refreshing Filmmaker's Award for his short film "The Line Starts Here."

Pope will receive the Coca-Cola Refreshing Filmmaker's Award at ShoWest in Las Vegas at the Final Night Banquet and Awards Ceremony on March 17, 2005. As the winner, Pope will receive $10,000 and his short film will be seen on more than 21,000 movie screens in the fall in theaters that pour Coca-Cola.

"This is an exciting opportunity for me. You can work for years in this industry without ever having one of your films show on a theater screen, much less on more than 21,000 of them," said Pope.

For the Coca-Cola Refreshing Filmmaker's Award competition, entrants created short films based on the concept of "the movie-going experience." Ten finalists were selected Fall 2004, with each receiving a $7,500 grant to produce their film within 10 weeks.

"The Coca-Cola Refreshing Filmmaker's Award gives film students the chance to bring their classroom experience to the world of professional filmmaking," said Kathleen Ciaramello, vice president, Entertainment Partners and Strategic Alliances, The Coca-Cola Company. "By recognizing their achievements, we're helping aspiring filmmakers make their celluloid dreams real and share their work with influential decision-makers in the entertainment industry."

Inspired by the long lines of fans for the re-release of the "Star Wars" movies, Pope's film, titled "The Line Starts Here," centers around a man who plans to "camp out" to be the first person in line for a new, highly-anticipated movie. He erects a tent on the sidewalk outside the theater, but due to a malfunctioning zipper, he is trapped inside the tent and even though he is first in line, he is unable to purchase tickets. Fortunately, a kind-hearted theater employee who notices his troubles, purchases tickets for him and they attend the movie together.

The panel chose Pope's film from nearly 200 concepts submitted by students representing twelve film schools in the U.S., including those from Columbia University, Northwestern University, University of Southern California, University of California in Los Angeles, New York University, Florida State University, North Carolina School of the Arts, University of Texas at Austin, California State University at Long Beach, University of Denver, Chapman University and Brigham Young University.

For more information about the contest, the contestants and previous winner, go to

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