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John Goodman Cemented in the Walk of Legends
(released 3/13/2005)
By Kim Burke

GStar School of Arts for Motion Picture and Broadcasting is a public charter high school in West Palm Beach, Florida. Goodman was there to be inducted into the School's Walk of Legends and share with the student body his experiences as an actor in the Motion Picture and Television Industries. John Goodman spoke directly to students about the reality of the business and the craft he truly loves. His presence was later cemented in the history of the school. He thanked them for having him and spoke genuinely on his ambition to work with the students who are positioned to represent the future of the industries.

Want to be GStar students can enroll from grade 9. The school combines standard Florida high school curriculum with applications in the Motion picture and television industries to create innovative lessons. For example, geometry is taught thru 3 dimensional lighting.

The school has room to grow. The students participated in that growth when they recently redesigned the Loading Dock Theatre.

G-Star will become a high-achieving and nationally recognized model for "artademics" reads the schools website, It further reads:

G-STAR is committed to helping young people improve their grades, promote a drug-free lifestyle, open doors to new skills, give them pride in their workmanship, keep them in school and focused on attaining a college education, and to encourage them to explore new career opportunities through the 'hands-on' training and expertise they ultimately develop in writing, directing, producing and starring in TV programs and film making - and to help create a film and TV industry here in Palm Beach County for their future employment.

The facility has already worked on its first feature film The Boynton Beach Bereavement Club. The school is currently producing and airing a television show seen in households from Stuart to Boca, and producing and airing a radio program. Students are able to work amongst industry greats, while producing their own work.

Please go to the Photo Seen for pictures of John Goodman's visit to GStar.

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