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First ever Freethought Film Festival Coming in May
(released 12/4/2010)
By greenroomwire

The Freethought Film Festival Foundation is hosting the First Annual International Freethought Film Festival in May of 2011, at the historic Tampa Theatre located at 711 Franklin Street in downtown Tampa. The festival will run Friday, May 13th through Sunday, May 15th, and the program will consist of Independent films selected from film submissions that have been entered for consideration. Ten different screenings of films, which best reflect the mission of promoting reason, critical thinking, and freedom of inquiry, will be scheduled. The film selections are to be announced after the final judging in January, 2011.

The International Freethought Film Festival is a home for Independent films from around the globe that critically examine truth-claims. Reason, logic, critical thinking and science are embraced as the best ways to explain the natural world; while superstition, dogma, tradition and argument by authority are rejected as justifications for practices, policies and behaviors that are often of detriment to humans and the earth. Freedom of inquiry and expression are boldly exercised. The event tagline, "Going there!!!", is symbolic of this.

On Friday the 13th, after the opening ceremony and first screening of the International Freethought Film Festival, the "Superstitions Unplugged" Opening Night After Party will take place. The party is sponsored by Cigar City Brewing, as well as The Bricks of Ybor City and the Skate Park of Tampa. The venue for the celebration is The Bricks of Ybor City, located at 1327 East 7th Avenue in Ybor City. During the party, guests will be able to engage in activities that defy well-known superstitions such as breaking mirrors, walking under ladders, opening umbrellas indoors, spilling salt and piercing voo-doo dolls. According to the director, Andrea Steele, a superstition has already been defied, since the lease agreement for the Tampa Theatre was signed in the month of November.

Steele adds, "The International Freethought Film Festival is a celebration of freedom of expression, and to educate the public on the importance of using reason and science, instead of superstitions and pseudoscience to explain our natural world. There is nothing in the universe that should be exempt from inquiry and critical examination. Most importantly is that when such inquiry and critical examination produce evidence that is contrary to popular belief or present knowledge; there should never be negative ramifications perpetuated by others when it is voiced."

To learn more about the festival, go to

Their Withoutabox submission page is at

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