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Film Day in Tallahassee
(released 2/27/2009)
By Douglas Lorah

This is all about the film incentive in Florida and March signals the beginning of our state legislative session.  Emails are important; phone calls are important, but people right up in politicians' faces at the capitol speaks loudest.

There are a couple of bills already on paper due to the work of some state film organizations.  Some local newspapers have been putting on the pressure to get funding again for the state film incentive, so there is some public backing.  Every state is fighting for jobs right now and ours abruptly dropped July 1, 2008 when the previous $25 million incentive ceased.

Everyone has something at stake even though most of the work goes to Central and South Florida.  In a sign of unity, many filmmakers will be trekking to Tallahassee before the General Assembly on March 19th.

Below is an email that has been passed around by mainly Orlando folks.  Art Smith of FCCA and Silver Lining Studios is coordinating a bus to make it easier than having 20-40 cars on the road to Tally.  If you want paid work in this industry, you may want to get on board.

Calling all advocates! Do You Want Our Industry To Be A Top Public Priority In Florida?  Join us for Film Day in Tallahassee as we meet with representatives from the Florida Legislature on Thursday, March 19, 2009 from 8am - 3pm at Florida's General Assembly Building.

The WIFF, DMAF, FCCA and Florida Film Production Coalition, in support of the Florida's Film Industry, needs you to show your support of Florida's production industry to our legislators during this session of the General Assembly. Once again, it is time to begin lobbying for film incentives and other funding and work-generating legislation. Your voice is critical to telling the story of the hardships Florida's production community is facing. Film Day is the day to make this case to your Representatives in person in an effort to give a much-needed boost to our industry.

We are trying to make arrangements for transportation to the General Assembly Building for Film Day.  With many of us in our industry not working or being forced to work out-of-state, it is extremely important, now more than ever, to change the course of direction.  If you are unable to attend, we ask that you email or call your Representatives to tell your story. Visit the Florida General Assembly website to find your local Representative.  In the past, our combined organizations with the cooperation and support of Film Florida, has successfully voiced many issues regarding our industry to our legislators over the years. We have could not have done this without your cooperation and support.  We want to get a bus but we need you to commit now!

Reserve a Seat on the Film Day Bus Trip!   The Trip will board 7:00 am buses at a location TBA.  The cost of a bus seat is only $40.  Reservations should be made as soon as possible! Call (407) 835-8701 or send an e-mail to before March 6th to reserve your seat. A limited amount of sponsorship money is available to help students and others who are unable to raise sufficient funds to pay the full price for a bus seat. To inquire about the availability of sponsorship money, please contact us at (407) 835-8701. If you would like to help sponsor one or more deserving individuals (someone to attend in your place, perhaps), this would be very much appreciated!

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