Ybor Film Festival is calling for entries
By greenroomwire
The 7th annual HCC-Ybor Festival of the Moving Image (April 1-5, 2009) invites all filmmakers from around the world to present authentic, innovative and meaningful work to be considered for screening at the festival.
This year's theme is "humor and satire" and the festival is looking for works in two specific areas:
Works that the filmmaker/director considers to be funny, satirical, humorous, and/or comedic. All approaches are welcome and will be considered, from the sacred to the profane. Material can range from suitable for all ages to adult only, from tender and sweet to aggressive, dark and edgy. The works can be in any genre and of any length. If not in English, please provide subtitles if possible. Works must be in DVD format (NTSC or PAL) with Blu Ray projection available.
The festival is also looking for trailers for fictional or imaginary films. These can be of any length up to 120 seconds or so. By their nature satirical at the very least, these trailers can be approached in any capacity as mentioned in the first section. Prize money will be given to the top five trailers and will be featured on opening night (Tampa Theatre). Currently, the award is $100 per winner for the top five. The festival will also screen as many of the trailer entries as possible at an "audience awards" event on April 3, to open the judging to the public. All entries will be notified of the results.
The absolute deadline is February 28, 2009. In consideration of the new economic environment, the festival offers all filmmakers a special flat entry fee of $10.00 U.S. Please provide the basic information of Title, Running Time, Director, Website (if available) and Contact email. DVD's will be returned only if requested and a mailer with correct postage and address are provided. Filmmaker or person entering work are responsible for all copyright issues and content.
Please send preview DVD's to David Audet, Hillsborough Community College, 2112 N. 15th Street, Tampa, FL 33605. Make checks or money orders payable to Hillsborough Community College.
For more info see www.yborfilmfestival.com.
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