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Tampa Film Review No More A letter from Guzzo
(released 12/17/2008)
By greenroomwire

Dear Independent Film Supporter:

You are invited to attend the FINAL Tampa Film Review (TFR) hosted by Pete and Paul Guzzo on Friday, January 9 from 8 – 10 p.m. at the Italian Club, 1731 East Seventh Ave. The event is FREE and OPEN to the public.

The Italian Club invites everyone to join them at their weekly happy hour prior to the TFR. Happy hour begins at 6 p.m. The happy hour features complimentary food and drink specials.

We would like to thank Cigar City Magazine for sponsoring the event.

The final TFR will showcase some of the BEST short films made here in Tampa Bay that we have shown since the TFR’s inception in January 2004.

Every month for the past five years, TFR has showcased films produced by Tampa filmmakers. The fact that we have been able to fill so many months of programming with locally produced films is a testament to the talent in the Tampa Bay area. We hope everyone can come out and support the final installment of this event.

January's lineup is:

Gunn Highway
by Stefan Abbott (Vino-Figueroa) – Looks can be deceiving. Just because someone looks one way on the outside, doesn’t mean they look the same on the inside.

To Live Is To Die by Chris Woods: A group of college students are asked to share non-fictional stories in the writing class. Strangely enough the authors fall victim to their own tales.

Tale of Two Meagans by Fred Zara: Confident science major Mark Jarvis has never encountered a problem he couldn't solve through cool-headed analysis. But when he falls head-over-heels in love with two women of equal-but-opposite appeal, the cocky whiz kid finds himself faced with the impossible task of having to choose just one.

Mexican Sky by Ken Collins: A mouthy career criminal takes a sheriff and his deputy hostage in their own squad car in a desperate attempt to flee across the Mexican border.

Time & Again by Todd Thompson: Steve Peters has found a way to control time, but how can he cheat death if fate has a mind of his own?

The Last One by Garrett Brown: Stop-motion claymation about a slacker who gets into in a horrific car crash and wakes to a surreal world where all perception is skewed.

A special tribute to the TFR by Joel Wynkoop

My brother and I would like to thank everyone who has supported the TFR over the past five years and who helped to make it the best film event in the area throughout that time. We began five years ago with a crowd of 20 – 30 people a month, and have grown to regular crowds of over 100 people, sometimes peeking at over 300 people! When the event began, we told people that we were the only regular outlet for local filmmakers to showcase their work. We are proud that five years later, that is no longer the case, as numerous events have been founded since, providing local filmmakers with a variety of venues willing to showcase their art.

I cannot put into words how proud my brother and I are of the event we founded five years ago. We feel it not only helped the local film community, but Ybor City as well, as it brought a positive event to a community that my brother and I both love.

It would mean a lot to us if everyone came out and celebrated the amazing five year run this event has enjoyed. If you have ever attended a TFR over the past five years, please come one more time. If you have never attended a TFR, come on out for the first time and see firsthand the amazing film talent Tampa Bay boasts.

I hope to see everyone there for a record breaking crowd at a local film event.

Paul Guzzo

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