Note from the Editor
By Douglas Lorah
It's that time of year again... you know... when your email box is full of messages from other industry people telling you to write letters to the state legislators. We can all sit back and complain about not having enough work or... write those letters.
Here's More Incentive
Last year, the legislature and Governor Bush provided $2.45 million for the Entertainment Industry Financial Incentive Fund. On Tuesday, January 18th, the governor announced his budgetary recommendations for the next year. His line item for the film industry increased over 100% to $5.1 million. This is a vast improvement, but it is not guaranteed.
This is where you come in. Everyone must write our state legislators. The state house and senate must still pass this into their budgets to be put into effect.
Last year's incentive fund was almost solely consumed by The Transporter 2, which filmed in Miami. Hopefully with enough prodding by our industry, we can have two or more big budget films choose Florida rather than other locations.
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