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State Film Office hiring Incentives Administrator
(released 12/20/2007)
By greenroomwire

The Governor’s Office of Film and Entertainment is creating the new position of ‘Incentives Administrator’ to oversee the Entertainment Industry Financial Incentive program.  Someone with production accounting experience would qualify at the high end of the salary range.  Job will start right after the New Year – or sooner if you want!


 Job Responsibilities

n       Review and verify applications for the Film, TV and Digital Media Incentive Program.

n       Keep an updated accurate log of all submissions for the incentive program, reflecting where the allocation of funds stand at any given time.

n       Review and verify submissions from certified productions which have finished filming and filed their proof of qualified expenditures. 

o        Check that all requirements are met on all submitted paperwork, which includes receipts, payroll records, personnel identifications, etc. 

o        Analyze all records of financial transactions submitted to verify accurateness and completeness of submissions. 

n       Develop verifiable accounting standards and reports for future use for the incentive program, and execute such.

n       Enter all relevant production information into a database.

n       Be a point-of-contact between producers and productions to answer questions about the incentive; therefore, good people/communication skills necessary.

n       Create/update all forms necessary for the incentive program.

n       Organize and store records for all incentive years.



n       Complete familiarity with Excel and Word a must.

n       Must have either film industry production background or accounting background, preferably both.

n       Knowledge of Production Accounting programs (Movie Magic, etc.) highly desirable.


Salary Range

n       $17.30 to $26.44 per hour, OPS (no benefits), determined by experience in either/both production and accounting fields.  (This is the equivalent of an approximate annual salary range of $36,000 to $54,000.)


Send Resume by Email/Fax/Mail to:

n       Email:

n       FAX: (850) 410-4770

n       Mail:  

o        Niki Welge

o        Office of Film and Entertainment

o        400 South Monroe Street

o        The Capitol, Suite 2001

o        Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

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