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National Student Television Awards Deadline Soon
(released 12/13/2007)
By Douglas Lorah

The deadline for the National Student Television Awards for Excellence is coming close. If you aren't familiar, high school students from across the country vie for awards and scholarships. The National Television Academy put together the awards to promote excellence in broadcasting.

Everything is done online through their website. There is a small fee of $25 per entry. Students sign up for an account. Create your video to spec by January 31, 2008. Students then upload their videos and wait to be judged.

It is a regional competition at first. Winners are then judged on the national level.

The 7 Award for Excellence categories include News, Arts & Entertainment/Cultural Affairs, Documentary, Sports, Hubbard Family Public Affairs/Community Service/Public Service, Technical Achievement, and Writing.

In 2005-2006, a student from George Jenkins High School won an award and in 2006-2007, a student from Lake Gibson High School won an award. Coincidentally, both schools are in Lakeland.

Also, anyone can sign up to be a judge. This is the criteria quoted from the website, "Judging requires industry knowledge a robust computer and a broadband connection to the internet."

To get more information or to sign up, go to

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